
The Ten Commandments

of Better Photography

A basic course for getting up to speed, using the best ten tips for shooting plus demystifying the DSLR menus.

Waccamaw Boulevard Gallery is sponsoring a Series of photographic classes geared toward art photographers, a joint effort between the Gallery and Terry Monahan Photo Illustration.


Classes to include: 

1. Ten Commandments of Better Photography     $29   12/04/21

Basic concepts and  maneuvering through your DSLR menus.


2.  Creative Choices TBD

Thinking VS. Point and Shoot photography.


3.  Creative Work Flows TBD

Adjusting, cleaning and enhancing your digital Images.

5.  Art Still Life Workshop TBD

Demo of two different subjects, from start to finish.


Sign up to be included on the future announcements of coming classes and events via the CONTACT ME page.